
Branding is Comprehensive Strategic Business Process

Simply stated: Branding is all about aligning what you do with what you say.

Branding is More Than a Logo

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, People today grant their trust in brands based on two distinct attributes: competence (delivering on promises) and ethical behavior (doing the right thing and working to improve society).

Branding a business process that is planned, strategically focused and integrated throughout your organization to deliver on your brand promise. While the visual expression of your brand (such as your logo and tagline) is an important part of the process, it shouldn’t begin there.

It starts with comprehensive research amongst all your brand constituents (internal and external) to understand current perceptions, misconceptions, sentiments, and motivational purchase drivers. The insights gleaned from this research leads us into the authentic definition or clarification of your mission, vision, values, and guiding operating principles – which are reflected in your unique positioning, messaging, product/service offerings, operations and go-to-market strategies.

We then create, validate and incorporate your visual identity across all brand touchpoints.

Making Human Connections

It’s no longer B2B or B2C or even B2B2C. It’s H2H – Human-to-Human. People want to feel a genuine connection to brands they do business with. Driving the compelling articulation of your brand purpose, offerings and value propositions in the context of relevant customer needs and expectations across multiple channels is what we live for here at Signature Intentions.

Our Branding Services include:







Let’s talk about your branding intentions.

Contact Signature Intentions today.

A Few of Rena’s LinkedIn Professional Recommendations Around Branding

(with titles at the time recommendations were provided)

“Rena has 3 distinct qualities that enable her to navigate and excel in any environment. She is smart, has tons of energy/passion for every project that she works on and she has integrity. In our time collaborating at KPMG, we regularly worked together in the relationship development and branding space. It was quite helpful to frequently seek her insight on matters that needed a different and smart new perspective. When tough projects or issues presented themselves, it is always nice to have great positive energy to rally around.

A consultation with Rena always enabled the “Go For It!” passion that every project needs to get started. Our time at KPMG also brought open and honest communication on many different matters. Rena’s integrity and fact-based observations always helped derive moments of clarity based on her assessment of a certain situation or issue. Rena is a great advisor and an asset to any team or leadership group.”

Brian Campagna, Director, Industries & Markets – Strategies & Programs

“Rena is a consummate professional. She is hard working and tenacious with every project or task she takes on. Embodying a loyalty and team spirit that is unique in today’s business climate, Rena is an extraordinary brand builder, striving for excellence in everything she does. She approaches all her efforts with a focus on measurability and metrics which is critical with digital marketing. This past year, Rena made large strides in helping to build our SEO with content that was not dumbed down to the consumer, but still played positively to Google’s algorithms.”

Michael O’Hara, President

“Rena is an accomplished marketer who not only thinks strategically but executes meticulously. She is intelligent, highly skilled, and approachable. I had the pleasure of working with Rena at KPMG when she was hired as the Global Brand Director. She is innovative, forward-thinking, has a wealth of experience and knowledge in communication, and brand positioning and strategies to help advance a company’s agenda.”

Nanda Mbengue, Manager of Marketing Strategies & Programs

“Partnering with Rena was a wonderful experience. From day one she positioned herself as a leader and a key partner to drive results. During every interaction with Rena, I was always impressed with her passion for her job and her overall compassion for her team, organization and partners.”

Stacy Holston, Senior Account Manager

Check out Rena’s full list of 20+ LinkedIn professional recommendations received throughout her career from executive colleagues, teammates and CEOs