
Internal Communication

According to Exchange, only 48% of employees believe their leadership team, corporate communications, HR, and marketing departments all speak about their brand in a consistent voice.

Maximizing Employee Engagement

Regardless of company size and type, engaging employees at all levels of the organization is always top of mind, and there is always herculean work to be done in this area.

Our chances for success significantly increase when employees feel as though their voices have been heard, and are more committed to making things work when they participate in initiatives designed to benefit them. And research has proven that great employee experiences lead to great customer experiences and increased employee productivity, recruitment, retention, loyalty and advocacy. When treated as a valued audience – especially during tough times or a crisis, employees can be our best brand ambassadors – both internally and externally.

We optimize all channels of communications (print, digital, social, mobile and in-person) and give leaders/people managers the tools, techniques and resources they need for consistent, compelling and meaningful communications relative to what their teams do every day to advance your mission.

External Communications

External communications revolve around building powerful media strategies to tell your best value stories. This includes leveraging paid, earned, owned and shared media opportunities. Together, we will identify the best channels, platforms, and media outlets, and optimize them for peak performance. We will also make sure they are integrated in a manner where each function contributes to and benefits from the other to achieve your overarching communications strategy.

Aligning Internal and External Communications for Increased Revenue

Internal and external communications are like complementary colors. Apart, they can create a pretty picture, but together they are a masterpiece.

Great communication is more than blasting a newsletter or distributing a press release. Messages need to be unified, consistent and amplified repeatedly, which leads to increased employee retention, engagement, and profitable business growth. Every aspect of what we do focuses on driving value to your bottom line: increased productivity, attracting more customers, and building greater equity in your brand.

Our Communications Services include:
















Let’s talk about your communication intentions.

Contact Signature Intentions today.

A Few of Rena’s LinkedIn Professional Recommendations Around Communications

(with titles at the time recommendations were provided)

“It’s rare to meet, much less have the pleasure to work with, an individual with so much enthusiasm and passion for their job, their team and the pursuit of excellence.  Rena is a professional that lives up to her brand promise of being highly effective, professional, authentic, compassionate and results-driven.  She is open minded, yet decisive.  She is eternally optimistic, forward-looking and can rally a team around a mission and goal for optimal productivity and inevitable success.  But more than anything, she is a good person with a big heart that inspires all that have the good fortune to get to know her.”

Steven Shapiro, CEO
Communications Strategy Group

“Rena is an excellent communicator and a trusted business partner. She is supportive, articulate and passionate about creating relevant marketing communications. Whether it is content for a proposal, presentation, press release, brochure, white paper or an internal memo, her messaging and editorial skills are second to none.”

Patti Franz, VP Enrollment Management

“Rena is an outstanding professional with in-depth experience spanning all marketing and communication channels – both traditional and new media. As VP Corporate Marketing and Communications at EducationDynamics, Rena held responsibility for all aspects of brand development and positioning, press relations and communications, trade shows, special events, sales support materials for a broad array of web-based products and services, the corporate website, and more.  

To ensure that our brand was consistently represented in all internal and external communications, she developed marketing plans for each product line, oversaw the re-design and re-launch of our corporate website, developed and disseminated regular communications to associates in our 4 locations, and instituted brand standards to guide all internal and external communication. The internal communications were particularly effective in using brand reinforcement as a tool to promote integration and a feeling of oneness across all locations. 

Rena has particular strength in managing the interface with the press, especially in sensitive areas. Her skill was particularly evident in her ability to use PR effectively in positioning EducationDymnamics in relation to our brand values amongst key constituencies. She is exceptionally good at identifying priorities, preparing realistic budgets and managing her resources adroitly to execute a significant volume of work on-time and on budget. 

Though she is a strong and effective manager she is also a hands-on and tireless practitioner who sets very high standards for herself and her team. 

Finally, and not insignificantly, she is a pleasure to work with. Though she takes a firm stance with all her internal clients, her experience supports the positions she takes and wins the respect of those she is guiding whether they be product managers, sales executives or the CEO. In an area as important as marketing communications, it is critical to have a professional who demonstrates the depth of knowledge and experience in her field necessary to provide guidance.”

Steve Isaac, CEO

“I had the great pleasure of working for Rena as an outside public relations consultant when she was SVP of Global Marketing for Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH). I had consulted for LHH for many years before Rena’s arrival so I had opportunity to witness her transformation of the company’s marketing function. Under her leadership, the marketing team she built burnished the corporate brand and helped drive the company’s worldwide growth. She is an inspiring leader with great strategic instincts, a strong work ethic and the ability to bring out the best in those who work with her.”

Laura Morrison, VP
Ryan Public Relations

Check out Rena’s full list of 20+ LinkedIn professional recommendations received throughout her career from executive colleagues, teammates and CEOs