
33% of marketers don’t measure marketing ROI.

— Hubspot

The primary objective of marketing is to drive profitable revenue growth for your business. It’s the iterative process of constantly innovating, testing, optimizing, learning, and growing for continuous improvement while positively impacting your bottom line. There are a lot of important components that fall under the marketing umbrella. We think of these components as our marketing quiver. We know precisely which arrows to pull from it, aim at and hit the target – your intended audiences.

We Measure What Matters

Return on marketing investments (ROMI), analytics, and data-driven insights are the driving factors that inform a successful marketing strategy with success metrics defined upfront. No vanity metrics included.

If your past experiences have left you unable to track measurable results and questioning where your money was being spent, you’re not alone. This is exactly why we’re so big on collaborating with you to clarify your strategic intention and determine what success looks like in terms of business outcomes. Marketing with meaningful data, analytics, and tracked revenue results is how we do business from the moment we begin our partnership.

Our Marketing Services include:












Let’s talk about your marketing intentions.

Contact Signature Intentions today.

A Few of Rena’s LinkedIn Professional Recommendations Around Marketing

(with titles at the time recommendations were provided)

“Rena is a dynamo with enough energy to power a small city. Her enthusiasm and passion is contagious and she works tirelessly to drive projects to completion. She always makes herself available for advice, to share ideas or collaborate with others. She understands how to build and execute an integrated marketing plan, taking a hands-on and inclusive approach. Her work serves as an example for other marketing areas to emulate. Rena is a valued and respected senior executive in the Financial Services group.”

Mark Sidlauskas, Global Corporate Marketing Executive

“Rena joined Lee Hecht Harrison as head of Global Marketing at a time when we needed a higher level of marketing expertise to support our growth objectives worldwide. Rena rose impressively to this challenge by using sound judgement and innovation in developing client focused marketing/sales support materials and activities that elevated her team’s value and showcased our industry leadership.

Rena is focused, a quick thinker, responsive and can be relied on to successfully get the job done. Her persuasive, inclusive, and engaging style earned her the respect of employees throughout our company.”

Leonard Posey, SVP & Managing Director
Lee Hecht Harrison

“Rena brought an energy and enthusiasm for field marketing at Infosys that was refreshing and appreciated. The perspectives she provided as a member of our unit’s executive team reflected her commitment to placing the customer at the center of her marketing recommendations and related activities in support our initiatives to better engage and build client relationships. She is a great person to know both personally and professionally.”

Jasmeet Singh, VP & Financial Services Practice Leader

“Rena is a standout, an experienced marketing mind that will strive to exceed expectations every time. Rena supported my sales team for 3 years. That entire time she was a driving force of enthusiasm and passion at EducationDynamics. She quickly immersed herself in every aspect of our business. Often going out of her way to understand and aid in our new initiative development. She delivered results-driven marketing initiatives focused on quantifiable results.”

Brian Connelly, Director of New Business & Strategic Accounts

“I had the privilege of working with Rena in the Field Marketing Leadership team at Infosys. She is always brimming with innovative ideas to do things differently which is backed by a very strong and nuanced set of credentials and experience. She is very passionate about driving integrated marketing programs that have a direct impact on the business.”

Praveen KC, Global Head of Marketing
ECS Practice 

“Rena and I worked on a cutting edge campaign for the Financial Services and Insurance industry and I was impressed with the overall rigor and focus that Rena kept in the planning and execution of the campaign. Rena has very sound marketing fundamentals in place that helped her lead the campaign effectively. I was especially impressed with her ability to manage and rally all stakeholders and mobilize the base, a rare leadership quality that will stand her in good stead in her career!”

Balaji Desikamani, Head of Global Marketing
Cloud & Big Data at Infosys 

Check out Rena’s full list of 20+ LinkedIn professional recommendations received throughout her career from executive colleagues, teammates and CEOs